"What a legacy - artistic in the midst of disarray, every day a great adventure, spiritual and naughty, regal and wacky."
This blog, unveiled on Dec 5th, 2010 (the 20th anniversary of Mom's passing), will be an ongoing sharing of memories of the life of Linda May Lindgren Centracchio. Please email Chris (chris.centracchio@gmail.com) to add more stories, pictures and reflections to this blog.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Suggested a Cemetery for a Party

"David and I both enjoyed sitting in her chair and chatting when we had our hair cut. After the time that Reggie would call and check in with her which would delight her. I learned a lot by the witness of Jesus in her preparation to move on to her new house. Her suggestion for David's 50th birthday party in their cemetery was a great suggestion. (We were reverent.)

Mostly she taught me about a loving person that truly gave glory to her Lord & Savior Jesus Christ."

- David & Joyce Bryan

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